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Showing 1 - 15 of 64 result

Asian Garden Vegetable Seed Kit, 15 Variety of seeds, Heirloom, Non GMO
Sale -28%



Asian Garden Vegetable Seed Kit, 15 Variety of seeds, Heirloom, Non GMO



This Asian Vegetable Garden Seed Kit will include the following 15 variety of Seeds:*Small Round Wax Gourd( 10 Seed)*Long Bottle Gourd ( 5 Seeds)*Angled Luffa, Ridge Gourd ( 5 Seeds)*Bitter Gourd(5 Seeds)*Snake Gourd(5 Seeds)*Sponge Gourd(10...



Bean, Yard long, WHITE Seed, Asparagus Bean, Chinese Long Bean, garter bean, snake bean, yardlong, Heirloom, Non GMO Seeds



Yard long beans are called Asparagus beans or Chinese Long beans. These yard-long beans are firm and tender. Pods are light green color and grow up to 24" long. Beans color is WHITE. Due to...

Beans, SLENDERETTE, Green Bush Bean, Heirloom Seeds



Slenderette Bush Beans produce slender, long, stingless 5" pods that are green in color. They are easy yo grow for a beginner gardener. These bush beans are high yielders and resistant to common bean mosaic,...

Beans, Winged Bean, Asparagus pea, Winged pea, Four Angled bean, Manila bean
Sale -50%



Beans, Winged Bean, Asparagus pea, Winged pea, Four Angled bean, Manila bean



Also known as Princess bean, Dragon bean, Goa Bean, Sirahu Avarai, Chathura Payar, Dara dham bala. This winged bean has high nutritious value. These beans are high in protein and rich in Calcium, Iron, vitamin...



Birdhouse Gourd Seeds, CALABASH, Sorakaya, Asian Indian Opo Squash, Bottle Gourd



After the mature fruit has dried and the seeds are removed, this bottle gourd can be used as a container Bottles, birdhouse and many other useful items. The hourglass-shaped gourds grow 16-18 inches with a...

Bitter Gourd Chinese Green Skin, Balsam Pear, Karela, Ku Gua, Bitter Melon Seeds Bitter Gourd Chinese Green Skin, Balsam Pear, Karela, Ku Gua, Bitter Melon Seeds
Sale -37%



Bitter Gourd Chinese Green Skin, Balsam Pear, Karela, Ku Gua, Bitter Melon Seeds



( Momordica charantia) Bitter gourd is also called bitter melon, Karela, and balsam pear. This variety of bitter melon is very productive. Chinese bitter gourd that produces fruit 8-10" long and 3" in diameter. Skin...

Bitter gourd INDIA, Bitter melon, Karela, Balsam apple-pear Seeds Bitter gourd INDIA, Bitter melon, Karela, Balsam apple-pear Seeds
Sale -25%



Bitter gourd INDIA, Bitter melon, Karela, Balsam apple-pear Seeds



(Momordica charantia) Bitter gourd plant is a fast growing creeper and is from the family of vines. It is also known as the nutritious gourd and bitter melon. Bitter gourd plants vary shape, size and...

Bitter Gourd JADE, Hybrid, Balsam Pear, Karela, Ku Gua, Kakarakaya, Bitter Melon Seeds Bitter Gourd JADE, Hybrid, Balsam Pear, Karela, Ku Gua, Kakarakaya, Bitter Melon Seeds
Sale -37%



Bitter Gourd JADE, Hybrid, Balsam Pear, Karela, Ku Gua, Kakarakaya, Bitter Melon Seeds



( Momordica charantia) Bitter gourd is also called bitter melon, Karela, and balsam pear. This variety of bitter melon is very productive. Chinese bitter gourd that produces fruit 8-10" long and 3" in diameter. Skin...

Black Beauty Eggplant Seeds Black Beauty Eggplant Seeds
Sale -50%



Black Beauty Eggplant Seeds



The Black Beauty variety of eggplant yields large deep- purple fruits ranging from 4-5 inches long. Flesh is smooth, creamy and pale yellow. Fruits have small thin pepper like seeds, very nutty and smooth. This...

Borage Seeds/ Borago officials/star-shaped flowers/Herb/Medicine Borage Seeds/ Borago officials/star-shaped flowers/Herb/Medicine
Sale -50%



Borage Seeds/ Borago officials/star-shaped flowers/Herb/Medicine



This lovely annual herb attracts bees and repels predatory insects. It does not transplant well, direct seeding is the best option. After the last frost of spring when the soil has warmed, sow seeds 1/4"...



Calabash Round Bottle Gourd, Laudi, Doodhi, Ghiya, Sorakaya Seeds



(Lagenaria siceraria)      This is a round-shaped calabash that is grown for many uses. The light green skinned fruits have white flesh and are sweet and entirely edible when harvested at this immature stage. Seeds...

Clove Bean (Ipomoea Muricata), Nithya Vazhuthana Seeds Clove Bean (Ipomoea Muricata), Nithya Vazhuthana Seeds
Sale -13%



Clove Bean (Ipomoea Muricata), Nithya Vazhuthana Seeds



Clove Beans (Ipomoea Muricata) is a crop can be grown throughout the year, Hence it is called ‘Nithya Vazhuthana’ in Malayalam. It is a vine plant with small bunches of fruits. It is not a...

Corn,  Bi-Licious F1, Best Sweet Corn, Bicolor, Heirloom Seeds Corn,  Bi-Licious F1, Best Sweet Corn, Bicolor, Heirloom Seeds
Sale -50%



Corn, Bi-Licious F1, Best Sweet Corn, Bicolor, Heirloom Seeds



Best Sweet Corn for every Summer. Delectable, picture-perfect bicolor ears are set on sturdy plants. Bi-Licious is an excellent mid-season hybrid corn. It is bi-colored kernels maturing in 70-75 days. Ears are around 8 inches...

Corn, Ambrosia, Sweet Corn, Heirloom Seeds
Sale -50%



Corn, Ambrosia, Sweet Corn, Heirloom Seeds



Ambrosia Corn is a creamy white and sweet yellow kernel with a great flavor for fresh eating as well as freezing and canning. Stalk grow tall, nearly up to seven feet, producing large ears up...

Corn, Fiesta, Hybrid, Ornamental, Heirloom Seeds



(Zea mays)This hybrid ornamental corn has better tip fill and a more uniform kernel size. Open Pollinated. The 9" ears are filled with rainbow colored corn with a mild flavor and the husks are over...

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