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Momordica dioica
Spiny gourd also called kantola is a flowering plant in the Cucurbitaceae/gourd family. It is a seasonal monsoon vegetable. It is a rich source of antioxidants and flavonoids. It has antilipid peroxidative properties, that prevent oxidation of fats, thus preventing fatty liver disease.. It is used as a vegetable in all regions of India and some parts in South Asia. It has commercial importance and is exported and used locally. The fruits are cooked with spices, or fried and sometimes eaten with meat or fish. It has small leaves, small yellow flowers, it has small, dark green, round or oval fruits.
1OZ ~ 400 seeds
4 Oz ~1600 seeds
Spiny gourd, kakrol, Teasle gourd Kantola seeds
Review will be done on the basis of success of germination of Kantola seeds. Right now it is in the process. Wait till the seeds germinate. Thanks
Kantola bloomed. Looking forward to see the results.